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Today's New Addiction (Post 1)

So recently I have been trying to create some stability and consistency in my life by creating a meal plan that I have been sticking to pretty nicely (if i do say so myself). I figured out the hard way, that the only way you can really stick to a specific diet is to ACTUALLY enjoy the diet you are on. A lot of people misunderstand diets, they see them as a time period that they must fast or cut out everything that tastes good in order to look good. As I have learned, you can have amazing tasting foods that are not only good for you but can give you amazing health benefits as well! You have to understand that yes some amazing tasting foods you will need to cut out of your diet such as fake sugars

as well as most fast foods and heavy meals (I will go further into later). You can eat real sugars that come from fruits and carbs such as potatoes or squash or even carrots!! There are also amazing substitutes such as stevia and xylitol or even spirulina and coconut sugar or honey! Do not get me wrong, honey and coconut sugar are good substitutes but are not the best, you should have those every now and then and try to stick to natural sugars. I will go more into detail about fast foods and heavy meals in another blog later! Today's conversation is about meal plans and what has been my fetish for over a week now! I work at Erewhon and I usually get my first break and my first chance at breakfast at around lunch time. I usually order and try to eat my carbs and sugars in the beginning of the day because that is when it is easiest for my body to break them down. I also try to have only 2 servings of fruit/ sugar per day.

My breakfast consists of a cup of rainbow carrots with my sweet teat, Erewhon's Balsamic Vinaigrette. #addicted Anyways I will try to a couple cups of water before then and or my smoothie with my vitamineral greens with my colon and liver cleanse supplements or even my new bought goodie, living clay. For lunch, I will have the most incredibly gifted and talented not to mention hot Brittany make my special ice cream with usually goji berries and cacao nibs on top. Dinner usually looks like a salad which some organic blueberries, organic gluten free flax seeds, organic balsamic vinegar, organic olive oil, organic lemon, organic spinach and organic mulberries.

I have come to the realization that eating healthier though more expensive is so worth it, along the way I learned that eating what I like is usually the best thing for me as my body knows what it needs. I don't always listen but try to!! I have tried cutting out carbs and proteins and sugars... IT NEVER WORKS OUT. I always gain it back after the elimination process and or even double the weight I lost. You need to eat the most in the morning and whatever you really want, then at lunch eat half that and then in the evening eat a fourth of what you had for breakfast and just try keeping the portion sizes to their recommended dosages.

DO NOT EAT AFTER 7pm! It takes your stomach around 3 hours to digest a meal and you always want to go to bed on a light or empty stomach because it takes a lot for your body to break it down while you are sleeping as well as is what is a major cause to weight gain (eating late at night). STICK TO WATER or healthy snacks!

I am trying to also incorporate exercise into my life again, however had to stop as my adrenal fatigue was acting up as well as I was just working too much and was too lazy. I am going to Hawaii on this upcoming friday and need that hot bod back! #gottaworkforit

Thank you for reading today's blabber and I cannot wait to post another soon!

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